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Pro 3.0
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dullCopyright 1984-1996 Claris Corporation
and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
Catalog of Found Records
Pro 3.0
PictureBank Palette
or later, System 7.1 or later, AppleScript, and QuickTime 2.5 or later. Supported graphics formats currently include PICT, JPEG, GIF, SGI, QTIF, PhotoShop, and MacPaint. PNG is supported if the appropriate QuickTime Graphics Importer is installed, and more formats can easily be added when other importers become available.
PictureBank Palette
Dizionario Principale
1st Quarter
2nd Quarter
3rd Quarter
4th Quarter
@$A File item
A Edit item
Actions item
Catalog item
Windows item
Image Links
PictureBank Folder
rDPrint previews (100x100 pixels) instead of the original image files.
rDPrint previews (100x100 pixels) instead of the original image files.
PictureBank must convert the original image files to the PICT format and store them in a temporary location to allow printing. If this option is checked, these converted image files are not immediately deleted so you can print more than one in the same page.
t#Print all records in the found set.u
Print the current record.v]Delete all the PICT image files that were created from the original images to allow printing.
PictureBank PaletteB
Find all
New record
Slide Show
}aURL field.
Receives the URL of images that are dragged
from a browser and dropped on PictureBank.
~0Open URL
(requires Internet
Config 1.3 or later)
Update preview
Previous record
Delete current record
PB Image Source
PB Image Source
PB Image Name
PB Image Name
iA}Drag & Drop zone.
Drag image files and folders from the Finder and drop them here to add them to the FileMaker Pro database.
Update preview
Name of the image file
Name of the source folder
o(Go to the previous or to the next record
pFA question mark appears when the original image file is not available.
q&Double click here to display the image
q{Viale Abruzzi, 4c
20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI)
tel 02 744627 fax 0270123111
- The FileMaker databasex
- The PictureBank menus y
- The PictureBank palette z
- Printing images{
- Linking images to records|
- The PictureBank folder
NINIVE Sistemi informativi
NINIVE Sistemi informativi
PictureBank 3.0 is a FileMaker companion application that greatly extends FileMaker's image handling capabilities.
It requires:
FileMaker Pro 3.0v4
System 7.5
QuickTime 2.5
Supported graphics formats currently include PICT, JPEG, GIF, SGI, QTIF, PhotoShop and MacPaint; Claris Translators add TIFF and EPS. PNG is supported if the appropriate QuickTime Graphics Importer is installed, and more formats can easily be added when other importers become available.
rter is installed, and more formats can easily be added when other importers become available.
NINIVE Sistemi informativi
NINIVE Sistemi informativi
NINIVE Sistemi informativi
NINIVE Sistemi informativi
NINIVE Sistemi informativi
NINIVE Sistemi informativi
NINIVE Sistemi informativi
NINIVE Sistemi informativi
EA File itemB
NINIVE Sistemi informativi
NINIVE Sistemi informativi
GA Edit itemB
Actions itemB
Catalog itemB
Windows itemB
Image LinksB
PictureBank FolderB
The link between a record and an image file requires that the source folder where the image is stored (or an alias to that folder) be in the Archives folder. F
NINIVE Sistemi informativiG
NINIVE Sistemi informativiJ Picture 1K
Historical ImagesM
The link between an image file and a record is active when:
the PB Image Name field contains the name of the image file
the PB Image Source field contains the name of the folder or the name of its alias
the image file
the PB Image Source field contains the name of the folder or the name of its alias
Use this command to open and display a catalog file or to start adding records to the FileMaker Pro database. Opening image files or folders with this menu is like dropping them on the Drag&Drop zone of the PictureBank palette.
Closes the frontmost window.
Saves a catalog to disk.
Catalog files can be opened and displayed without FileMaker Pro and without the original Data file if the image files and source folders are still available.
Save as...
Saves a catalog to disk with the given name.
Catalog files can be opened and displayed without FileMaker Pro and without the original Data file if the image files and source folders are still available.
Always Check Duplicates
3The PictureBank Folder must be in the same folder as the PictureBank application itself. PictureBank creates a new PictureBank Folder and all the required subfolders if it can't find them. The PictureBank Folder and its subfolders can be replaced by aliases if you need to move them to a different location.
NINIVE Sistemi informativiG
NINIVE Sistemi informativiI
This folder contains a series of folders that match the ones in the Archives folder. Each of these folders contains the previews for all the images in a given source folder. it can't find them. The PictureBank Folder and its subfolders can be replaced by aliases if you need to move them to a different location.
NINIVE Sistemi informativiG
NINIVE Sistemi informativiI
This folder contains a series of folders that match the ones in the Archives folder. Each of these folders contains the previews for all the images in a given source folder.
K{This folder receives all the image files that are dragged from an Internet browser an dropped onto the PictureBank palette.
This folder receives the temporary PICT files created by PictureBank for printing purposes when the original images are not in the PICT format. PictureBank automatically takes care of the folder contents. You should never move images to this folder because they would be deleted.
The Archives folder contains the folders where all the images are stored. Aliases are allowed, whereas single files and nested subfolders are ignored here.
The aliases can point to folders on other disks, typically removable media, or to entire volumes like CD-ROMs.
When drag&drop is used to add new items to a database, PictureBank automatically creates the required folder aliases in the Archives folder. The aliases can be updated or replaced by the original items without disturbing PicturB
Always Create Previews
If this option is selected, PictureBank immediately creates a preview for every image file when it adds a new record to the FileMaker Pro database. This makes the process slower, but all the previews are available right away.
If this option is not selected, no previews are created while adding new records to the database. They are created as necessary when PictureBank needs to display them, or all together when the user chooses the "Update Previews" menu command.
If this option is selected, PictureBank checks for duplicate items before adding records to the frontmost FileMaker Pro database. An item is considered to be a duplicate if both the PB Image Name and PB Image Source fields match those of an existing record. If a given item already exists, the newly added one is ignored and no new record is created for it.
If this option is not selected, all image files are added to the database without checking for duplicates. This makes the process fast
1er when you add new images that couldn't possibly be in the database before.
The check for duplicate items only takes into account the frontmost FileMaker Pro database. If you use more than one database with PictureBank, the same image can be added to all of them even if this option is selected.
Quits PictureBank.
Undo - Cut - Copy - Paste
.5These menu items are disabled in PictureBank windows.
Select All
Selects all the images in a catalog.
You can also select one or more images as follows:
- Click to select one item
- Shift-click or Shift-arrow to extend the selection
- Comand-click to make a noncontiguous selection
Note that saving the catalog also saves the current selection.
Select None
.&Deselects all the images in a catalog.
Show Record in FM
Brings up a preferences dialog where you can choose your image editor/viewer and set the Slide Show timing.
The "Open with Editor/Viewer" command opens image files directly with a user-specified application; the image file to open can be the one selected in a Catalog window, or the one displayed in the PictureBank palette, or even the image that's currently visible during a Slide Show. The application, typically a graphics editor such as Adobe Photoshop, can be specified in the Preferenc
es window through its 4-character application signature (for example, '8BIM' for Photoshop). If you don't know the 4-character signature of your graphics editor, the Choose button will figure it out for you.
You can move back and forth during a Slide Show using the mouse and the keyboard commands, or you can set up an automatic times that displays the next image after a given time has elapsed. Note that the automatic timer does not disable the mouse and keyboard, so you can use the two
methods together.
Show Image
Displays the image that's visible in the PictureBank palette or selected in a catalog. The image can be enlarged or reduced by command-clicking and option-clicking, and scrolled by dragging the mouse. The zoom factor can also be chosen from the Commands menu.
The original image must be available for this command to work. If the image file was deleted or stored on an unmounted disk, PictureBank won
t be able to show it.
Images are stored in offscreen GWorlds when there's enough free memoBury, and read directly from disk if memory is tight. In the latter case, image scrolling and redrawing is much slower.
Show Full Screen
Works much like the "Show Image" command , except the menu bar is hidden and the image is resized to fit in the full screen display.
Open with Editor/Viewer
Shows the FileMaker record that's linked to the image which is currently selected or visible in PictureBank. If more than one image is selected in a catalog window, only the first one is shown. FileMaker's current found set is preserved, unless the record can't be found there and the user agrees to find all records and repeat the search.
To use a Catalog window's current selection as the found set in FileMaker, use the "Find selection in FM" comand from the Catalog menu.
, Get Info
.gProvides some information on the image displayed in the PictureBank palette or selected in the catalog.
Finder Actions
The following comands work on the image that's visible in the PictureBank palette, or on the first image that's selected in a catalog, or on the current Slide Show item.
Reveal File
Opens the folder that contains the original image file and selects the file.
Open File
Opens the original image file with the application that created it. This is the same as double-clicking the image file in the Finder.
Print File
Prints the original image file with the application that created it. This is
the same as selecting an image file in the Finder and choosing "Print" from the "File" menu.
Shows the Finder information for an image file. This is the same as selecting an image file in the Finder and choosing "Get Info" from the "File" menu.
Open Folder
Opens image files directly with a user-specified application; the image file to open can be the one selected in a Catalog window, or the one displayed in the PictureBank palette, or even the image that's currently visible during a Slide Show. The application, typically a graphics editor such as Adobe Photoshop, can be specified in the Preferences window.
The image can be modified and saved in the Editor application. You can then update its preview with the Update Preview menu command or B
with the button in the PictureBank palette. PictureBank doesn't automatically check for changes, so you must update the preview manually whenever you edit the original image file.
Lets you choose a zoom factor for images displayed with the "Show Image" command. The images can also be enlarged or reduced by command-clicking and option-clicking.
.oGoes to the next record in the FileMaker Pro database.
You can do the same thing by typing the right arrow key.
.rGoes to the previous record in the FileMaker Pro database.
You can do the same thing by typing the left arrow key.
Update this preview
Rebuilds the preview for the current image. Note that this command also works when a Slide Show or Full Screen image is being displayed.
Update Previews
These commands open the various PictureBank folders in the Finder:
This is where images dragged from an Internet browser are stored.
This folder contains the folders or the aliases to the folders that contain the original image files.
This folder contains the folders where all the image previews are stored. These folders and their contents are automatically handled by PictureBank. You can use the Update Previews command to delete unused folders and previews.
This is the main folder where all the above folders are stored. Note that all files and folders in the hierarchy can be replaced by aliases if you want to store the original items somewhere else, for example on a separate disk.
This is the folder where the PictureBank application itself is stored. It should also contain the main PictureBank folder or an alias to it.
All these folders are automatically created by PictureBank when it is first launched. If they ar
<e moved, PictureBank creates new empty ones and the existing links are no longer available. To get the links back to work, you can move PictureBank along with the folders, or move the folders back to the PictureBank folder, or create an alias in the PictureBank folder that points to the new location of the folders.
Opens a catalog window containing the previews of all the records in FileMaker's current found set. The previews are displayed in the same sorting order they had in FileMaker.
To cut down the catalog to a few chosen items, use the Trim to Selection and Clear Selection commands. The Delete and Clear keys can also be used to remove the currently selected items.
To make a contiguous selection of more than one item, hold down the Shift key as you click the mouse, or type a shift-arrow key c
ombination. To make a noncontiguous selection, hold down the Command key as you click the mouse.
" character is visible under the window title when the catalog has been modified since it was created or opened.
Use the Save and Save As commands to save a catalog to disk. The catalog file can be reopened and used without FileMaker, as long as the PictureBank Folder still contains all the required links to the original image files. Note that the catalog file doesn't contain the image p
Delete aliases to unused archives
Deletes aliases to unused archives, i.e. archives that don't contain any of the images referenced in the FileMaker database.
Ignore archives on unmounted disks
Ignores all records whose original image file is stored on an unmounted disk (typically an offline CD-ROM or some other removable media). This is useful if you don't want PictureBank to ask for every unmounted disk that contains one of the original files.
Catalog of Found Records
cally show a numeric error code in catalog windows instead of the actual image preview.
Rebuild all existing previews
Rebuilds all the previews for all the images in the database.
Update the current found set only
Only fetches the current found set from FileMaker, which makes the process much faster if the current found set is smaller than the whole database.
Cancella le previews inutilizzate
Dal confronto con il catalogo ricevuto da FileMaker, vengono can
Builds, rebuilds or updates the image previews for all the records in the frontmost FileMaker Pro database.
WARNING: If you use more than one FileMaker Pro database, only the frontmost one is checked. In this case, deleting previews and aliases can remove items that are used by the other databases.
Create missing previews
Creates a preview for all the images that don't have one.
Rebuild empty previews
Rebuilds the previews that weren't created because the original image file couldn't b
e read. Empty previews typically show a numeric error code in catalog windows instead of the actual image preview.
Rebuild all existing previews
Rebuilds all the previews for all the images in the database.
Update the current found set only
Only fetches the current found set from FileMaker, which makes the process much faster if the current found set is smaller than the whole database.
Delete unused previews
Deletes existing previews whose original images are no longer in the FileMaker
Catalog of All Records
Opens a catalog window containing the previews of all the records in the FileMaker database. The previews are displayed in the same sorting order they had in FileMaker.
Please see "Catalog of Found Records" for more information about catalogs and catalog files.
Slide Show of Found Records
Starts a Slide Show of all the records in FileMaker's current found set, using the same sorting order they had in FileMaker. The slide show begins with the current record, even if it's not the first one in the found set. If there's no current found set, this command allows you to start the slide show from the current record; the "Slide Show of All Records" command always begins the slide show with the first record in the database.
Both the mouse and the keyboard can be used to move to th th
reviews, but rather a list of image names and source folders. This means that you can't distribute the catalog file alone because no images will be displayed.
modified since it was created or opened.
Use the Save and Save As commands to save a catalog to disk. The catalog file can be reopened and used without FileMaker, as long as the PictureBank Folder still contains all the required links to the original image files. Note that the catalog file doesn't contain the image pC
reviews, but rather a list of image names and source folders. This means that you can't distribute the catalog file alone because no images will be displayed.
Slide Show of All Records
rStarts a Slide Show of all the records in the FileMaker database, using the same sorting order they had in FileMaker. The slide show always begins with the first record in the database; use the "Slide Show of Found Records" command instead to start the slide show from the current record.
Please see "Slide Show of Found Records" for more information about slide shows.
Slide Show of Current Catalog
Starts a Slide Show of all the records displayed in the frontmost catalog window.
Please see "Slide Show of Found Records" for more information about slide shows.
e previous or next image in the slide show. The left arrow or a click in the left side of the image bring you to the previous image, the right arrow or a click in the right side bring you to the next one. Hitting return or clicking in the center of the image quits the slide show and asks FileMaker to show the chosen record. You can also use the Esc key to quit the slide show without showing the current image in FileMaker. The Command-"<" and Command-">" key combinations can be used instea
0d of the left and right arrows.
Note that most menu commands can be used during a slide show, but you need to invoke them through their keyboard equivalent. For example, Command-E opens the current image with the Editor/Viewer, Command-U updates the preview, and Command-K shows the record in FileMaker.
Trim to Selection
ERemoves unselected items from the catalog, trimming the catalog contents to the current selection.
To make a contiguous selection of more than one item, hold down the Shift key as you click the mouse, or type a shift-arrow key combination. To make a noncontiguous selection, hold down the Command key as you click the mouse.
Clear Selection
RRemoves all selected items from the catalog. The Delete and Clear keys can also be used to clear the selection.
To make a contiguous selection of more than one item, hold down the Shift key as you click the mouse, or type a shift-arrow key combination. To make a noncontiguous selection, hold down the Command key as you click the mouse.
Synchronize with FM...
By default, PictureBank sorts the images in a catalog window using the same sorting order that was current in FileMaker. You can change the sorting order of a catalog window without affecting the FileMaker database by choosing one of the sorting options below.
by Original FM Order
Restores the default sorting order, i.e. the one that was current in FileMaker when the catalog was created.
by Image Name
Sorts the catalog by image name.
by Archive Name
Sorts the catalog by archive name.
by Record Creation
Sorts the catalog by record creation date. Images whose records were added early to the FileMaker database are displayed at the top, and images whose records were created later are displayed at the bottom.
Find Selection in FM
Replaces the current found set in FileMaker with the items that are selected in the frontmost catalog window. Any previous found set in FileMaker is lost.
Find Catalog in FM
Replaces the current found set in FileMaker with all the items in the frontmost catalog window. Any previous found set in FileMaker is lost.
Copy Selected Files
Copies the original image files of the currently selected items to a new folder at a user-defined location. The original image files are untouched.
Make Aliases to Selected Files
Makes aliases to the original image files of the currently selected items into a new folder at a user-defined location. The original image files are untouched.
Black Background
!Compares the items in the frontmost catalog window with those in the current FileMaker database, and removes the ones that are no longer referenced in the database.
As with all other PictureBank commands, neither the original image files nor the FileMaker records are modified or deleted.
Go to File
Go to Edit
Go to Actions
Go to Catalog
Go to Windows
Go to Menu Item
Back to Menu
Back to Database
Go to Edit
Go to Actions
Go to Catalog
Go to Windows
Go to Menu Item
Image previews have a maximum size of 100x100 pixels. If the preview is smaller, i.e. either the horizontal or vertical size is less than 100 pixels, this option lets you fill the missing part with a black background.
, Show Name
.(Shows the image name under each preview.
Show Archive
.,Shows the source archive under each preview.
. Brings the next window to front.
Save Position
Saves the position of an image window (i.e. its top left corner, since the size depends on the image size) as the default position for all image windows.
Note that catalog windows are reopened at the location where they were last closed.
PictureBank Palette
.(Brings the PictureBank palette to front.
, Shortcuts
.eDisplays a help window with the most common key combinations to be used in catalog and image windows.